вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Theory of Superunification. Chapter 10. Superstrong electromagnetic interaction and prospects for the development of quantum energetics in the 21st century

Chapter 10. Superstrong electromagnetic interaction and prospects for the development of quantum energetics in the 21st century

Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 651-710 pages.

The new fundamental discoveries of the space-time quantum (quanton) and the superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) have made it possible to establish in the Superunification theory that the only source of energy in the universe is the SEI, and the known types of energy (chemical, nuclear, etc) are only methods of extracting the energy of the SEI. The new discoveries explain the unique experimental effects: the Usherenko, Searl and other defects, associated with the generation of excess energy in new energy cycles for the open quantum mechanics systems, where the source of energy is the superstrong electromagnetic interaction. Theoretical and experimental fundamentals now exist for the development of quantum reactors, heat generators and quantum engines of a new generation which will form the basis of the quantum energetics in the 21st century. The quantum reactors are the source of thermal energy and in future they can replace nuclear reactors in nuclear power stations, ensuring that nuclear power engineering will be economically capable of competition and ecologically safe. The quantum engines open prospects for the development of power units for a new generation of ground-based and space transport.

10.1. World economy and scientific and technical revolutions
10.2. Scientific errors and new energy concepts
10.3. Dependence of the efficiency of the cycle on the energy yield of fuel
10.4. Quantum thermal energetics. Usherenko effect
10.5. Quantum reactors
10.6. Cavitation heating
10.7. Quantum engines. The Searl effect
10.8. Practical application of quantum engines
10.8.1. New generation automobiles
10.8.2. Spaceships and aircraft
10.8.3. Quantum engines-generators
10.9. Forecast of the development of quantum power engineering in 21st century
10.9.1. Results of the tests of a quantum engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass
10.9.2. Simple instrument for studying the elastic properties of quantised space-time
10.9.3. What will the launching of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN yield?
10.9.4 Priority of Usherenko (1974) in the region of cold synthesis
10.9.5. Leonov's forecast for 100 years
Conclusion for volume 1

10.9.4. Leonov’s forecast for 100 years
Now follows the statements by Vladimir Leonov in the interview with the Russian newspaper ‘Power engineering and the industry of Russia’, 2009, No. 7, April:

– What is your forecast for the development of quantum power
engineering for the next, let us say, 100 years?

– I am not a prophet of the Nostradamus type, and if I make the forecast of the development of science and technologies, then I am guided in this case by the fundamentally new knowledge which the theory of Superunification provides. It is natural that the transition to quantum power engineering will not occur immediately and decades will be required before we introduce the new technologies and the branches of management throughout the entire world. Let us define two large directions: quantum reactors -[heat generators] and quantum engines. Nuclear reactors also belong in the group of quantum reactors -[heat generators].

Quantum engines are the fundamentally new devices, intended for carrying out mechanical work due to the creation of thrust without the ejection of reactive mass. I would like to mention that the level of the technologies at the beginning and the end of the 20th century cannot be compared. To attempt to look 100 years into future is possible relying only on the prospects for the development of quantum power engineering: power engineering will be completely decentralized over hundreds years. Many autonomous quantum energy sources with satisfy all needs for the supply of heat and electrical energy. Evidently, the sphere of sale of heat and electric power will disappear and will be replaced by business dealing with the production of energy sources, their operation and repair and also with the delivery of fuel, for example the sand prepared for cold synthesis reactors utilising the Usherenko effect and also catalysis preparations for cavitation reactors.

Quantum engines will prevail in the field of transportation. Possibly, the classic automobile on the wheels will disappear (analogous example with the locomotive) and a gravitational ‘cushion’ will replace them. There will no longer be any need for arterial roads which will benefit Russia with its huge territory. ‘The flying saucer’ will become the main universal transport means. The Moon will be colonised and inteplanetary flights will become regular.

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